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Möglichkeit: Nur der Schlitten

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Der SLED von Slant Board™ ist perfekt, um Ihren Unterkörper jederzeit und überall bombenfest zu machen. Die Unterseite des Schlittens ist mit zwei Nylonkufen ausgestattet, die eine einfache Handhabung auf jeder Oberfläche ermöglichen. Laden Sie einfach Gewichte auf die mittlere Gewichtsstange, um den Schwierigkeitsgrad anzupassen. Mit zwei aufrechten Stangen sowie einer T-Stange kann der SLED für eine ganze Reihe von Drück- und Zugübungen verwendet werden. Die Stangen haben eine universelle Größe und können an beiden Enden des SLED untereinander ausgetauscht werden. Sie werden für zusätzliche Sicherheit mit Sicherheitsstiften an Ort und Stelle arretiert.

SLED-Workouts eignen sich hervorragend zum Aufwärmen, zur Beinrehabilitation und zum Aufbau explosiver Kraft. Dieser Schlitten hat mehrere Stellen, an denen ein Gurt befestigt und der Schlitten nach hinten gezogen werden kann. Ein effektives Training zur Linderung von Knieschmerzen und zum Aufbau der Beinmuskulatur.



What is a Sled?

Sleds are a popular piece of strength training equipment for sports such as rugby because they imitate movements that happen during match play. This doesn’t mean that only sportspeople should be using them. A weight sled is ideal for any form of strength and conditioning or explosive training.

One of the primary benefits of a weight sled is that although it’s mainly used for lower body exercises, it is a full body movement and therefore requires full body strength. There are various movements you can do with a weight sled, including:

  • Sled push
  • Sled pull
  • Sled drags

Because there are a wide variety of movements that you can execute, it hits different muscle groups more prominently during different exercises. If you want to improve your conditioning then you can add them to a circuit or to tire your muscles out, add them to the end of a leg workout as a finisher.

What are the benefits of using a Sled?

Sled training provides numerous benefits including building lower body strength and power, improving acceleration and speed, enhancing cardiovascular endurance, engaging multiple muscle groups like glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves in one movement and promoting overall conditioning by requiring stability and balance while pushing or pulling the sled

What are the Sleds dimentions?

The Sled measures 110cm L x 68cm W x 107cm H.

What is the maximum weight that the Sled can take?

The Sled can take weights of up to 400kg.

What surfaces can I use the Sled on?

The nylon runners fitted to the base of the Sled make it suitable for use on all floor types, including but not limited to grass, gravel, sand, concrete, felt, carpet and wood.

What does the Sled weigh?

The Sled weighs 25kg before any weight has been added.

Is the Sled easy to use?

Yes, the Sled has many features making it incredibly easy to use. All poles are removable (including the centre weight pole) for ease of storage, Locking pins secure push/pull poles in place during usage for total peace of mind, universally sized push/pull poles can be interchanged at either end of the sled for fast directional changes and multiple D-rings in different locations allow easy attachment of ropes, belts and straps.